Bloody Cute!

Handmade By Glow Designs has endless options with the Original Love Pattern Set! You will be set with the essentials in sizes for different flows.

With over 100 options this set is a deal!

I made the Heart pad with heart wings. I made it for a light to medium flow with hidden core of: topper cotton one layer of heavy bamboo fleece, one layer of flannel, pul and the backer is flannel and snaps.


This one is the same heart pad but this time I made is with the core exposed! Its not perfect because its my first exposed core ever, that I can think of.

Here is a little tutorial on how I did the exposed core. Cut the patter per instructions. I layered my core with the topper, cotton woven, heavy bamboo fleece, and flannel. The lines I made are what I am going to call channels. You can see them in store bought pads. I just drew some lines with a crayola washable marker nothing too fancy here.

Then I sewed along the channels. And this is what it looked like on the topper side.

Then what I did was I straight top stitched to the orange topper in place. Once it was in place I zig zagged all around for a more comfortable feel. I also had my backer and PUL ready.

*This is the trickiest part of all for me. Make sure you lay the layers right so that when we turn everytjing inside out the PUL will lay properly to be able to work. I put the backer right side down with right side of the topper. The PUL shiny side up. Pin on the outside of the pad, if we pin the PUL there may be leaks.

Once the layers are all sewn together this is what it looks like.

Trim all around- red line- and clip/ notch- green- around the curves and the angles to give it a flatter finish. But be careful not to clip the stitches.

Once you turn it inside out, iron the pad- I did not iron- top stitch the edge including the opening used for turning it inside out.

Viola!! Pretty Heart Pads!! The wrinkles on the wings will smooth out once the wings are folded down. I must of done something wrong because my first Original Love pad didn’t act or look that wrinkly on the wings

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and give it a shot by supporting Handmade By Glow Designs shop

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Hers is a video tutorial for the visual learners like me!

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